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This Amazing Guy!

Paul Berg • Jul 23, 2024

Awe and Wonder!

This little guy sits on the side of my driveway and stares at me every morning as I set out for my walk.  I’m pretty sure he thinks he is blending in perfectly. He wonders what I am up to. He’s torn about whether he should run or just sit there. In a month or two he will turn white and hide in the snow. We hold eye contact for 30 seconds. He wakes something up in me as I stare into these eyes.  He has his own rich life. Something mysterious about that. I’m sure you have felt it.


Imagine a world without animals. What an empty feeling. Here we are in the middle of this incredible diversity and complexity in birds and bugs and seasons. Incredible! Why do I let myself lose this “wow” and move inside my little thought world every day? Why do I let my mind bounce around so much trying to fix that negative feeling? I’m given the gift of this little guy and he catches my imagination. That feeling of the incredible beauty and generosity of all this diversity. Whoa what a rush this amazing world is!  I am grateful for it and I know as I draw my last breath, these moments will be what come up. Thanks for the reminder little guy!



By Paul Berg 24 Jul, 2024
When you lose someone you love, Your life becomes strange, The ground beneath you becomes fragile, Your thoughts make your eyes unsure; And some dead echo drags your voice down Where words have no confidence Your heart has grown heavy with loss; And though this loss has wounded others too, No one knows what has been taken from you When the silence of absence deepens. Flickers of guilt kindle regret For all that was left unsaid or undone. There are days when you wake up happy; Again inside the fullness of life, Until the moment breaks And you are thrown back Onto the black tide of loss. Days when you have your heart back, You are able to function well Until in the middle of work or encounter, Suddenly with no warning, You are ambushed by grief. It becomes hard to trust yourself. All you can depend on now is that Sorrow will remain faithful to itself. More than you, it knows its way And will find the right time To pull and pull the rope of grief Until that coiled hill of tears Has reduced to its last drop. Gradually, you will learn acquaintance With the invisible form of your departed; And when the work of grief is done, The wound of loss will heal And you will have learned To wean your eyes From that gap in the air And be able to enter the hearth In your soul where your loved one Has awaited your return All the time. -John O'Donohue Keep Reading below!
By Paul Berg 24 Jul, 2024
“When we relate to our bodies as having soul, we attend to their beauty, their poetry and their expressiveness. Our very habit of treating the body as a machine, whose muscles are like pulleys and its organs engines, forces its poetry underground, so that we experience the body as an instrument and see its poetics only in illness.”- From Thomas Moore- “Care of the Soul”
By Paul Berg 23 Jul, 2024
Love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. -Rainer Maria Rilke
By Paul Berg 23 Jul, 2024
Awe and Wonder!
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